Assist. prof. Blagoy Deliev, PhD

Prof. Lubomir Vladikin is a lawyer, writer, public figure, scientist. Writing about his life is a difficult task. There will always be objections of inexhaustibility and bias. His scientific works and interests include law, sociology, political science and literature. In his works and speeches, Prof. Vladikin does not hesitate to demonstrate his beliefs and biases for the country in which he lives and for the country in which he wants to live. The evolution of the state is part of the development of constitutionalism. This is his topik, which he defends and develops. His contribution to the general theory of the state and law and to constitutional law is indisputable

Naturally, Prof. Vladikin has scientific and life opponents. Assessments of a person’s deeds can be different, especially when they are openly demonstrated. These assessments may or may not be shared. This is what gives the modern state the quality of “democracy”. The opposite is against the individual and against the state.