Standards of ethics

The texts uploaded in “Studia Iuris” will be intellectual property and their publication will be subject only and solely to their authors’ consent.

“Studia Iuris” will carry only copyrighted studies that have not previously been released in a soft copy or a hard copy format.

The articles should express well-grounded opinions and include references to legislation, case law, research papers, etc.

“Studia Iuris” will adhere to the rules and standards of ethics as defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and available free of charge on its website:

Draft texts are checked for plagiarism by specialized software product (

Requisites in writing an article

  • The title (in English): Times New Roman, size 14, Bold, Centered, Caps Lock.
  • The author’s name and surname, academic rank and position (in English): Times New Roman, size 12, Bold, Italic, Align Right.
  • Affiliation (in English): Times New Roman, size 12, Italic, Align Right.
  • Synopsis (in English): up to 150 words, Times New Roman, size 12, Italic.
  • Keywords (in English): max 10, Times New Roman, size 12.
  • The text of the article: Times New Roman, size 12, Regular, Justified, line spacing 1.5.
  • Page numbers: Times New Roman, size 10, Bottom of page, Plain Number 3.
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, Regular, Justified.

The cited references that are in Cyrillic or in an alphabet other than the Latin alphabet must be transliterated into Latin according to the rules of the respective language: The transliterated source is put in parentheses after it has been written in the source language.

The cited sources in a footnote must follow the pattern:

Books: The author’s surname, initials (if there are other authors, they are given with initials followed by their surname). The title of the book. Printed in … (the place), printed by … (the printer), year of printing, pages.

Example: Лазаров, К., Тодоров, И. Административен процес, С., Сиела, 2009 (Lazarov, K., Todorov, I. Administrativen protses, S., Siela, 2009)

Articles from journals: The author’s surname, initials (if there are other authors, they are given with initials followed by their surname). The title of the article. The title of the journal, year, issue number, pages.

Example: Раданов, В. Отново за мълчаливите административни актове. – Съвременно право, No 4, 2011 (Radanov, V. Otnovo za malchalivite administrativni aktove. – Savremenno pravo, No 4, 2011)

Articles (reports) from collections: The author’s surname, initials (if there are other authors, they are given with initials followed by their surname). The title of the article (the report). V: The title of the collection. Printed in … (the place), printed by … (the printer), year of printing, pages.

Example: Орманджиев, Хр. Учредителната власт и българският конституционализъм. – В: 130 години български конституционализъм. Първи том. С., Св. Климент Охридски, 2009 (Ormandzhiev, Hr. Uchreditelnata vlast i balgarskiyat konstitutsionalizam. – V: 130 godini balgarski konstitutsionalizam. Parvi tom. S., Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 2009)

Dictionaries: The title of the dictionary. Published in … (the place), published by … (the publisher), year of publication, volume.

Main language of the materials published: Bulgarian and English.

The maximum length of an article should be 20 standard typewritten pages, 1800 characters per page.


Draft texts should be emailed to:

Anonymous peer review procedure

1. The text submitted by the author for publication must be checked in advance by the secretary and/or the editor-in-chief of the journal so as:

  • To detect obvious and flagrant inconsistencies (if any) from a perspective of science;
  • To make sure that the text is consistent with the publishing rules of the journal.

2.1. If the preliminary check shows a positive outcome, they will proceed to the next phase of the actual anonymous peer review.

2.2. If the editor-in-chief deems it appropriate, the text is assigned to be done an anonymous peer review by an expert on the matter that is treated in the article.

2.3. The system of the so-called double blind peer review is applied: the secretary of the journal sends the text in an anonymous form (without any information about the author) to the reviewer.

2.4. The name of the reviewer will not be disclosed to the author of the text.

2.5. The editorial board members are obliged keep secret the doings under point 2.3. and point 2.4.

3.1. Within 15 days of the receipt of the article, the reviewer must make his/her evaluation, fill in the table (see Appendix 1) and return the transcripts.

3.2. The reviewer sees that:

– the text reviewed corresponds with the subject-matter of the journal;

– the matter treated in the text and in the presentation is original;

– the methodology is correct;

– the wording is precise;

– the evidence is strong;

– the expression is clear;

– the presentation is thorough;

– the references to bibliography and to jurisprudence are appropriate.

3.3. The review of the text submitted may result in:

– acceptance of the text for publication;

– return of the text to the author to revise it so as to improve it, the revisions being explicitly indicated by the reviewer. The adequacy of the changes is judged by the board of editors who decide on whether to proceed with the publication;

– rejection of the text.